For those of you who are trying to find a good alternative for AutoCAD, especially if the option is an open source software, it may become hard to find one that fits most of the needs of an architectural visualization artist. Due to the great number of options, it is always good to take a look at new options. This morning I just found another option that may be useful for architects. The tool is called CADuntu and is an open source CAD based on the community edition of QCAD.
So far, the CADuntu is available as an alpha release only for Mac OS X. If you have a Mac, and had some previous experience with QCAD, it may worth to check out CADuntu. I will keep an eye on the project, and as soon it becomes available for other OS like Windows, I will pots the news here.
It’s a pity that only at this point we are starting to get options for AutoCAD… Architecture has advanced so much further already in the fields of CAD.
What we would really need now is a FOSS BIM program, an alternative to ArchiCAD or Autodesk Revit Architecture.
Still, even a FOSS AutoCAD is better than nothing.
Couldn’t compile it on linux… But the project has just started. Anyway, so cool to see someone taking qcad further!
It’s the same to this?
KAD – KDE aided design
It’s the same to this?
Architect: Look this:
I am teh maintainer of CADuntu.
to answer Andres, it’s based on the community edition of QCad, and it’s main goal is to have something that compiles on the 3 mayor platforms with a recent version of qt.
KAD’s goal is to add KDE features, but it still based on qt3, and it would be very hard to compile on OSX or Windows.
Windows, Linux and OSX.
For OSX it happens to be easy to create a applications file, it’s just a matter of zipping it and that’s it.
For Windows pretty soon a beta release will get made that will include the install scripts needed.
Ypric, if you couldn’t compile on Linux, then please let me know what happens, or what doesn’t work. I know at least 3 people that could compile it (including myself) with a stock ubuntu + needed libraries, mainly qt4-develop.
Hello All,
I just released a beta1 version for both Windows and OSX. You can download it here : https://sourceforge.net/projects/caduntu/files/
Nice blog dude, I just stopped by to look at this wonderful blog
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Beta 2 is just released:
Items improved are:
Fixed 64 bit builds
Fixed hatches not showing up (Yan Zagorskih)
Better dialog size handing for some dialogs
No more toolbar clutter on the left hand side (Reported by Sliptronic)
Improved installer for XP, Vista and Windows Seven
Improved status bar message handling
Hello All!
I just released Beta 3 of CADUntu: https://sourceforge.net/projects/caduntu/files/