The factors that will determine the speed in which you can deliver an architectural visualization project goes from the hardware at your disposal to the variety of your asset library.
Having an extensive asset library for architecture may even be more important than powerful hardware. When you have good options at your disposal, you won't lose any time researching textures, furniture, and other assets.
You can quickly jump from the modeling stage to the rendering in a short amount of time.
Among the resources, we consider essential for any architectural visualization library is a good set of floor tile textures. Since a floor tile appears on a significant amount of interior projects, it is imperative to build a good collection of this type of texture.
Do you want to download a great set of floor tile textures? An artist called Johnathon Goswick shared a set of those textures in his ArtStation page, and you can download for free!
Unfortunately, you won't find a broad variety of options for the floor tile. But, for artists looking to improve their texture library for architecture that is a great opportunity.
If you are still building your architectural visualization library, a great way to boost your access to a significant amount of assets is with a premium subscription of Blender 3D Architect.
With a premium subscription, you will receive assets and downloadable tutorials four times a week! Straight to your inbox. We have plans starting in just US$ 5,90/month. Here are the available plans: