A significant amount of people think about Blender as a 3D modeler and platform to render realistic images to visualize your designs. It can help a lot in this regard, but that is only part of its role in architecture. With Add-pons like BlenderBIM, you can expand Blender and include authoring and document BIM data. That opens a world of possibilities for Blender to have a full open-source workflow.
When using the BlenderBIM Add-on, you can create IFC files in compliance with ISO standards. The BlenderBIM Add-on received an update a couple of days ago, and it is now in version v0.0.201025.
Here is a list of the new features and bug fixes:
- Exporting now sets the IFC file if unset for convenience
- IFC CSV now supports modifying IFC classes
- You can now set facet tolerances when importing
- Experimental native roundtripping mode, for experimentation only, with style support
- Visit wiki link in the add-on now points to specific BlenderBIM Add-on pages
- Material property sets are now imported
- IFCClash now optimistically skips coincident collisions, resulting in less false positives
- Increased maximum contact threshold for IFC Clash allows clash detection to work for larger projects
- IFC clash now uses iterator when a filter is specified for faster clashing
- Auto-add owner histories when the user exports IFC2X3 if none is specified
- Classification trees are now stored in the Blend file, increasing the portability of project data
- 16 New IFC visual programming nodes for Sverchok, including:
- Read IFC node
- Create IFC node
- Write IFC node
- Create Entity node
- By ID node
- By Guid node
- By Type node
- By Query node
- Select Blender Objects node
- Create Shape node
- IFC Add node
- IFC Remove node
- Generate IFC Guide node
- Read entity node
- Get property node
- Get attribute node
Here are the bug fixes:
- Fix bug where spatial elements with a representation would import twice
- Fix bug where box representations don’t respect project units
- Fix IFC clash bug where spatial elements are unaffected by user filters
- Fix bug where you can’t export if classification is only applied to a type or spatial element
- Fix export bug where you can’t export if project units aren’t explicitly set
Among the highlights, we have new nodes to integrate BlenderBIM with the incredible Svershock Add-on!