Blender 4.2: Precise Modeling Workshop
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Working with architectural animation is always a challenge because of the long render times you may expect from complex projects. By using Eevee you may cut that time drastically, but it doesn't support all features of Cycles just yet. For a high-quality render, you probably will have to stick with Cycles for a while.

Do you want to see an example of a great animation showing seasons around a house? The guys from CG DIAMOND STUDIO made an animation that shows all seasons around a house as part of their showreel.

They used Cycles to render all the projects with two GTX 760 cards, which shows what you can produce with mid-age hardware.

Even not being a piece produced for marketing architectural projects, you could use a similar concept to show the surroundings of a project across the year.

If you want to view some still renders from the project and a breakdown of the animation, visit this thread at the BlenderArtists forums.

Blender 4.3 for Complete Beginners (Workshop)

D-NOISE Removes noise from Cycles with AI


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