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Some artists that we often feature here in Blender 3D Architect have a reputation for always deliver some quality images and render, keeping an impressive portfolio. That is the case for Julio Cezar Pires, also known as julioras in the BlenderArtists forums.

He posted another project with a focus on architectural visualization. It is a bedroom scene with several renders and even an isometric view. Is he using Eevee? No, it is the good and old Cycles and Blender 2.79.

You will find all the images from this project visiting this thread at the BlenderArtists forums.

Besides the incredible artwork provided by the artist, you will also find some great tips visiting the link. The artist shares some of the settings he uses to produce this beautiful renders using Cycles. What is the secret? A mix of some tweaks in several areas like Color Management, Light Paths, Ambient Occlusion, and background.

On top of that, you have to add a sharp eye and talent from the artist to find the best settings for each of this scenes.

Do you want more? You can download the model he uses for the carpet.

Even with all the lights pointing to Eevee you should not forget the power and quality render that Cycles can create.

Unfortunately, no information about render times or hardware used to create the project.

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