Blender 4.2: Precise Modeling Workshop
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A good materials and textures library is essential to any artist no matter what software you use. For Blender and Cycles, you probably have a library of materials and textures that you often use, some of them may even come from the several resources we share on Blender 3D Architect.

Since a few of our readers are starting to use Blender and the Unreal Engine to create interactive architecture, we will begin to also post resources about the engine.

If you are among the several students of our course of architectural visualization with Blender and Unreal you will enjoy this next small, but a useful material collection.

The first one is a material with textures to create a frosted glass for the Unreal Engine. You will also find material for water.

Both materials are a creation from artist Handy_tool_lover, which posted the download link in the subreddit of the Unreal Engine.

There you will find a preview of both materials and a download link from the artist personal Google Drive. If you have plans to download this material, I do suggest to make now, because the author may remove the shared link at any moment.

Blender 4.3 for Complete Beginners (Workshop)

Free kitchen scene with furniture for Cycles


Free download of a Modica chair for Blender

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