Back in April all projects selected to be part of the Google Summer of Code 2012 were announced, and the Blender Foundation got sixteen projects approved! How many of those projects could directly change the way we work with architectural visualization? Well, my pick would be the projects dealing with modeling tools improvements. Luke Frisken holds one of the projects that might get us a nice boost on modeling tools, and his objective is to work on “Precision Modeling tools”. It is a name that resembles something like CAD, which is music important for any architect.
If you want to help on the development of this project, just visit this thread at the BlenderArtists forums, and look for the Sushi branch at graphicall.org to test any developments.
Hi. Have you tried out any of these tools? (BA is blocked at work for me)
Can’t wait to see more of this — Sushi!
sushi, YES please. I need a semi-CAD interface for Blender, have been using Draftsight for CAD, and have tested tons of supposed Blender CAD addons and plugins, but they all fail the usability test for me. Hopefully they can come up with a happy medium!! Good Luck!
We’ve done some useful CAD-oriented tools for Blender.