There is a great hype about the development and new tools released for the upcoming Blender 3D 2.50, or should I say Blender 3D 2.60? This probably will be the final and stable release of the 2.50 development cycle at the end of the Durian project. I can see lots of new users starting to test and check the 2.50 tools, with the promise of a better and improved Blender with a redesigned user interface. I`m receiving lot`s of messages from old students of mine, asking me about the process of migrating from 3ds Max for Blender. And, for when they should expect a stable release for the 2.50 series?
I was wondering this morning if most of the actual Blender 3d users have saw how the Blender UI starts. In one of my classes I how a few screenshots of the Blender UI for old releases to show the evolution of the development and tools. It`s always good to remember the past to take a good look and see how much Blender grow in the past years. For those of you that never tried to download old releases, we can download all past Blender 3D releases from this link.
Just to show a bit from the past, I made up a small video showing some of the old UI back from Blender 1.60, until the last releases with the Blender 3D 2.50 Alpha 0. The choice for the releases was random, as for the editing actions performed during the video.
My objective was only to show a few aspects of the interface, like the tools available at each release, and their progress.
From Blender 3D 1.60 to 2.50 from Allan Brito on Vimeo.
In the first releases we only had a few panels and lots of small limitations to create 3d models with precision. The tools available today allows us to work with transform constraints and better snapping tools. Notice the small number of panels available on early releases. Back there we couldn`t even use the mouse scroll to zoom! At least, I couldn’t make it work for zoom operations.
With time, the interface gets better and more tools, windows and panels are added to the interface. The animation tools were boosted with the start of the open movie projects and the 2.4x series.
I hope you enjoy the video and see how much improvements were made to the Blender 3D interface and tools.
The name is not “Blender 3D” anyymore but “Blender” alone. 🙂
Or Blender pro in the near horizon.
That’s fun to see old Blender versions (I start with 1.x, but I can’t remember which one exactly… Maybe 1.6).
Wow that video sure did bring back memories. Although, if I remember correctly, didn’t blender used to have no buttons at all? And you had to use hotkeys for everything?
I don’t get it, the first version and 2.5 can do the same stuff extrude and subsurface jk lol. We have come a long way, thanks to all the time and coffee of the all the coders and artist for making it happen, thanks dudes.
Haha! Blender’s gotten into so many updates and changes it felt so rewarding. Even from the earlier versions alone, we could already see how it will go through from the years it went through. ^_^
Thanks so much for sharing this, sir Allan. ^_^
Thanks for this video. I used it to make a poll of the favorite version of Blender. My blog’s URL is http://blendertheblog.blogspot.com/. So, yeah.
This is the perfect way to break down this informtiaon.