A new version of Blender is on its way and some important updates may help architectural visualization artists to create better interior visualizations! With Blender 2.75 we will be able to use Light Portals in Blender Cycles, which may improve the speed of the rendering for internal scenes, because fewer samples will be required to get noiseless images.
The light portals are already supported in a lot of different renders, and Cycles will enter this list! But, what are light portals and why you should learn about it? The technique is quite simple to use, and require us to “mark†the openings of a room like windows, and by doing that we will help the path tracing algorithm to solve the light of the scene.
You can find a really good explanation of light portals with diagrams in this post of the Octane Render forums, made by an user called radiance.
Now its time to test this new feature!