Blender 4.2: Precise Modeling Workshop
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What would be of some furniture models without the right material? When we start a project that should be rendered with Cycles, one of the challenges is to figure out the proper settings for each type of material we need. But, one of the highlights of being a Blender user is to find a helpful user community, which will share settings and tips on many aspects of the software, like Cycles materials. This week I was trying to find a good example of a fabric material for Cycles to use on a class, and just saw this on Blend Swap. A really interesting fabric material ready to use in architectural projects rendered with Cycles.


This material was supposed to be used on an exercise about furniture modeling by my students, and it fits really well on most models. All you have to do is to change the texture. But, how does this material works? If you are curious just like me, you will find an explanation of how the fabric material works on Cycles, in this link thread at the blenderartists user forums.

Blender 4.3 for Complete Beginners (Workshop)

Free download of furniture in OBJ format for Blender


Gothic vault: Architectural visualization with Blender and YafaRay

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