Blender 4.2: Precise Modeling Workshop
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If you have some free time and want to put your modeling skills to the test, one of the best exercises related to architectural visualization is to work on some furniture models. It is a win-win situation in all aspects. First, you get to practice your architectural modeling skills and at the same time will improve your personal furniture library, and if you feel that your model can help other artists, you can either share or sell it. I always recommend that for my students, but somehow they still think that going outside and play sports is better. Nuts, right?

Fortunately, some of them still follow my advice and get some furniture models done. But, at some point, you have a full model and must render it to show to the world. What is the best way to do that? In this situation, you can use what's called a studio setup. It is a scene that mimics the environment of a photo studio. An infinite backdrop and some big light sources placed on sides and in front of the subject.

Some of those studio scenes are available in BlendSwap and have a creative commons zero licenses. Like this one that is ready and setup for Cycles. You may just have to make some adjustments to the scale of the scene depending on what unit you choose to create the 3d model in Blender.

furniture models

Just make sure you check out our course about architectural modeling with Blender to get started with furniture models created by yourself.

Blender 4.3 for Complete Beginners (Workshop)

Free furniture download: Shell chair


Bauhaus-inspired bedroom in Cycles

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