A lot of readers from Blender 3D Architect that keep track of the site in the past years will remember that we started in the distant year of 2008. Back there, I had a plan to have a space dedicated to sharing news, tutorials, and tips about how to use Blender for architecture.
What kickstarted the site was the release of my second book about Blender, which was the Blender 3D Architecture, Buildings, and Scenery. It is still available to purchase today.
However, it still uses Blender 2.49 as the version base. Back there you had YafaRay as the primary choice for realistic rendering for architecture in Blender.
After several years and Blender versions, it was time to update the content.
I'm proud to announce that we have a new handbook for architectural visualization artists using Blender. The Blender 2.8 for architecture: Modeling and rendering with Eevee and Cycles have all the critical information necessary to work with archviz.
It is a collection of our experience in more than ten years of writing, updating, and commenting on projects related to architecture using Blender.
You will find guides about modeling, using CAD references, Materials, Furniture management, and rendering. With the release of Blender 2.8 and the Eevee revolution, it was time to deliver an updated guide for our readers.
The book is available as both digital and paperback formats, and you will find full description with sample images of the projects in this page.
Is that a direct update to the Blender 3D Architecture, Buildings, and Scenery? No, it is a new title with content tailored for architectural visualization artists.
By the way, you will notice that we edited the book ourselves. That is the first title from a series related to design and architecture.
If you order a copy of the book, you will be supporting Blender 3D Architect directly. For those of you who ordered either the digital or paperback, thank you!
Does it have any section related to FBX and Revit files?