Blender 3D
Creating clouds for exterior visualization projects in Blender 3d 2.50
In Blender 3D 2.50 we will find a lot of new tools and options to enhance our architectural visualization projects, […]
NPR for architectural visualization with Blender 2.50 and FreeStyle
The integration between Blender 3D and FreeStyle render, which is capable of create great NPR images is one of the […]
Blender 3D 2.50 and stereoscopic render in interactive applications
A lot of companies developing 3d applications like games and interactive displays are using stereoscopic render to allow users a […]
How to use Rigid Body Dynamics in Blender 3D 2.50
The new interface and tools of Blender 3d 2.50 will make the learning process for new artists a lot easier, […]
3D Modeling for architecture using N-Gons and B-Mesh
One of the tools for 3d modeling that making people excited about the release of Blender 3D 2.50, even with […]
Modeling a terrain with level curves for Architectural Visualization
This week I posted an article about terrain modeling with SketchUp in my other blog, and since that day I […]
Precision 3d modeling for architecture with Mesh Planes
From all the tasks related to architectural visualization, one of the topics that let users a bit confused when they […]
Getting started with YafaRay for external architectural rendering
In a previous article I showed up a quick and simple way to setup YafaRay for interior design, using techniques […]