For those of you looking to improve your modeling skills, I Just found another great example of polygon modeling that can be used in Blender. The tutorial below shows how to create a dresser, using 3ds max. But, since the technique used to create the 3d model is all polygon based, we can take the procedure used by the artists, who is called Cyrenn, and apply it to Blender. The only thing missing from the tutorial if you want to use it in Blender, is the reference file, but we can replace it with any other dresser.
The tutorial is separated in two videos, and shows all the procedure necessary to model a dresser using polygons. So, enjoy the videos.
I’ve used 3ds max in the past. I all but abandoned it when I started to teach myself Blender a couple of yrs ago. As I watch these tutorials, I’m amazed at how slow and awkward max is compared to Blender. I had forgotten how ridiculous the controls are. In Blender, I could have that furniture modeled, textured and rendered in a fraction of the time it takes in max…
I never used 3dmax, I ‘m very surprised of the time he tooks to model that simple furniture
Fabio, I’m sure if he wanted to model the dresser faster for you he could easily do in in a quarter of the time. It’s a video tutorial he’s trying to explain to noobs like you how to do things properly.