The process of designing an architectural visualization based on a 3d model usually demands a high number of polygons to represent details. A lot of artists still prefer to create the geometry for furniture or things like window frames, railings and roofs instead of investing on textures for detailing. What if you only had a couple of polygons available to represent architecture? This is the case for game modeling, and when architectural visualization artists must work on a project like a scene design for games, you will have to optimize your models to fit any polygon count limitation.
I just found some great tutorials about low poly architectural modeling for Blender, using as example medieval architecture.
The author of the tutorial is called Doug Turner, and at the provided link you will find both tutorials about architectural modeling and texturing tips. This is a great resource for anyone interested on both low poly architecture, and for projects with ancient buildings.
Thanks a lot for the lead, Allan.
FYI, there is a growing interest for Blender in the Second Life community because the platform is currently testing mesh-based object imports and will probably release this feature in a few months. T there are several content makers who are expert 3D modellers and use tools such as 3D Max, ZBrush and others, but most have no 3D modelling experience. There is a large community of content creators, thousands of people, who want to learn how to use 3D tools, including myself. And Blender is an obvious favorite because it’s free.
These people are hungry for information, mostly on low-poly modelling. I am mostly interested in architecture (though I am not an architect in real life). This is why I watch your blog with attention and often bring to the attention of my followers on social networks your posts. Incidentally, I have also bought your book “Blender 3D 2.49 Architecture, Buildings, and Scenery” and recommended it.
This is great news.
I really appreciate the recommendation for the book. 🙂
Thanks for linking to my tutorials!
Hi guys am an amateur in architect(havent done any architectural courses). never done any specific subjects linkled to architecture and i would like to find some one with knowledge on architecture