Usually, when we look for examples of architectural visualization with Blender, an ordinary residential project will come to mind. In the latest architectural visualization project from well-known artist Enrico Cerica, this is not the case.
At the BlenderArtists forums, he posted an amazing collection of images from nothing more than a castle. The quality of all images is quite impressive from the textures, furniture, vegetation, and lighting.
Visit the forum thread to check a collection of images from this project.
The artist shares a few details about his development process, like the use of Grease Pencil to use as a guide for the plants. Another thing that calls attention is the number of views and images from the project. Depending on render times, it probably took weeks to finish all of them.
Is that a castle?
No. That is an old cement factory that back on 1973 became the house of Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill. The project itself is amazing and shows the potential of space renovation when we mix good ideas and architecture.
Here is a picture of the actual building in Barcelona.