Every once in a while we offer here in Blender 3D Architect the opportunity for our readers to get our training and premium subscriptions with a considerable discount. If you were looking for training material related to Blender and architecture you should take a look.
Until next Tuesday we will offer a 50% discount on our training and premium subscriptions. Besides getting some great tips and tricks about how to use Blender for architecture, you will also help supporting Blender 3D Architect.
We do not run ads here on Blender 3D Architect, and all the funding comes from our training courses and premium subscriptions. Your support help us keep making awesome content about Blender and Architecture.
Here is a list of all the training and subscriptions in the sale:
- Course about architectural modeling with Blender
- Course about parametric modeling for architecture with Blender
- Course about architectural documentation with Blender and Freestyle
- Course of architectural visualization with Blender and Unreal
- Course about VR architecture with WebVR
- Architectural visualization workshop with Blender Eevee
- Premium Subscription – 6 Months (1 month free)
- Premium Subscription – 12 Months (2 months free)
How to get a discount? Simple, use the code X50SAN at checkout, and you will receive a 50% discount.
If you want a suggestion, take the subscription. You will receive instant access to our premium assets list, and also receive a significant update in the content we are preparing for February.
The training will also receive updates to Blender 2.8 soon, starting with our workshop about Eevee.
Since we got a lot of questions related to the purchase process of our training, here are a few common Q/A:
- How do you handle my financial information? A: We do not keep any financial information about your purchase. We use PayPal to process and keep your data secure.
- Do I need a PayPal account to buy a course/subscriptions? A: No, we only use PayPal to process our payments. You don't need an account with them.
- Can I pay using Euros instead of USD? A: Sure! Send us a message, and we will reply with a link that will enable you to pay using Euros.
If you have any other questions regarding our content, send us a message, and you try to get in touch as soon as possible.
Thank you for everyone supporting us!