Every week we prepare a list of the assets our premium subscribers receive, as part of their subscription. When you have a premium subscription from Blender 3D Architect, four times a week, you receive assets by email. And can also download them later, in our premium assets page (for some plans).
The assets usually range from furniture models, textures, full projects and downloadable guides.
Among the resources we sent to premium subscribers this week, is a guide that will probably help a lot of people in the architectural visualization business. A guide is showing how to create IFC files from Blender.
What is an IFC file? That is a BIM compliance file that will make data compatible with tools like Revit, ArchiCAD, and others. You will need additional resources, all open source, but using the right workflow, you can get any model in Blender as an IFC.
That means you can use Blender to create, for instance, families for Revit.
You will also find a significant cafe interior project as a native blender file. All models and layout are available.
Here is the list of assets:
- Creating BIM files from Blender (ZIP – 0.71 MB)
- Chairs collection volume 3 (ZIP – 1.72 MB)
- Cafe interior full project in Blender (ZIP – 414.92 MB)
- Guide about monitors for architectural visualization (ZIP – 1.45 MB)
Do you want to become a premium subscriber? We have plans starting at only US$ 5,90/Month. If you choose to get a six or twelve months plans, you gain access to our full library of assets!
Here are the plans: