Blender 4.2: Precise Modeling Workshop
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The premium subscription of Blender 3D Architect is an excellent way to keep yourself informed about architectural visualization and build an extensive library with assets.

Four times a week we sent to our subscribers an email with downloadable content. It may be a furniture collection, textures or guides/tutorials.

Here is the list of content we sent this past week:

  • Architectural visualization Business: Picking a GPU (PDF/ZIP – 1.53 MB)
  • Compact office space model (ZIP – 12.71 MB)
  • Assorted Bricks, Wood and Fabrics textures for architecture (ZIP – 84.46 MB)
  • Sketching and planning with Grease Pencil for architecture (PDF/ZIP – 10.5 MB)

As a highlight of the week, we can point out the guide about sketching with the grease pencil for architecture. Despite the various tutorials and articles pointing it as a character development and animation tool, you can also use it for architecture.

For instance, at the beginning of each project, you will find that most architects and artists like to sketch ideas about the building design.

In the article, we show to our subscribers how to get an aerial image to sketch the ideas about a project. With the sketches from Grease Pencil, you can draw on top of the images and render them. Use it in a presentation or discuss with your clients.

How to become a premium subscriber?

Do you want to receive the links to download all those assets straight in your email? Become a premium subscriber today, and by the end of the month, you will get all assets from September.

We always send all the links from the previous month, in case someone misses the download. Here are the available plans:

A feature that our premium subscribers are looking to get and we are close to release is the possibility to download all previous assets.

The feature will be available for subscribers in the six and twelve-month plans. Since most of the people that choose to go for a single month upgrade the plan, it will affect almost every subscriber.

Blender 4.3 for Complete Beginners (Workshop)

Office building with Cycles and Denoising


Bfoartists Update 0.94: Matching Blender 2.79

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