Architectural Visualization
How to improve interior design renderings with YafaRay and Blender 3D?
An external view of a Project is very simple to accomplish in comparison with interior views, because of the complexity […]
Free tutorials about architectural modeling with Autodesk Revit 2010
As part of the work with architectural visualization we sometimes have to deal with different tools and softwares, used by […]
Aligning 3d objects with Python for architectural modeling
The use of scripts to create routines and do repetitive tasks in 3d modeling is a common practice among more […]
Controlling cameras for rendering with YafaRay
Earlier this week I was talking about how to control and make the camera of Blender 3D, behave like a […]
Free ebooks about rendering for Interior Design and architecture with Mental Ray
For architectural visualization artists starting to work with Ray Tracing renderer such as Yafaray, LuxRender, V-Ray and Mental Ray it’s […]
Using real camera settings for architectural render in LuxRender
I was reading an interesting article last week, about the importance to know and use the camera settings of a […]
LuxRender 0.6 released with a new tool called LuxMerger
A new version of the open source Unbiased render engine called LuxRender was release, and after a long sequence or […]
Free download of furniture models for architectural visualization
If there is one thing that we really need to keep in a safe place, for architectural visualization, besides a […]