What is the best way to light up a scene in Blender Cycles for architecture? The best answer for that question is: “it will depend on the context, shape and setup of the scene”. There is no right or wrong way, but different solutions for the same problem. Look at this great example of internal render produced with Blender Cycles and posted at the Blenderartists forums, by an artist called Lell. The scene shows a reading corner and was all light up by a Sun Lamp with a HDR Map.
The image took about 10 hours to render on a GeForce GTX 560 at a 1600 x 1200 resolution. If you choose to visit the post on the forum, you will have a change to learn how to artist setup the curtains materials in Cycles, since he kindly shared the node setup for that!
thanx …..i really admire ur work,am new in blender..u can send me some tutorials through my mail thanx…u ar my guru