I still find a lot of experienced Blender 3d artists with problems to migrate completely to YafaRay, most of that is because they have a solid workflow with the old YafRay core, and lots of projects made with the old render engine. If you are one of those artists, with a few problems and difficulties to migrate to YafaRay, nothing better than a great scene available to download, with all the settings ready to render a photo real simulation of a interior scene.
An artist called xelptic have posted a few weeks ago a scene called Red Room at the blenderartists.org and along the settings and render time; he was kind enough to share the scene file, with all the settings for YafaRay. This is one of the best resources to learn about a render engine, a sample scene with all the settings ready can really clarify the settings and workflow to create a scene that looks like the red room.
How can I learn something with this scene?
I often get this kind of question from my students. Well, if you also want to learn something from the scene made by xelptic, recommend you to open the scene and make a comparison between the scale of the model and the settings applied by the artist. Before anything, notice the measurements! This is really important, because the settings used for rendering could work with models and scenes in the same or similar scale. But, for bigger or smaller scenes it may result in renderings without the same level of realism.
For this scene, we have a measurement of meters. Just turn on the Edge Length button to see the measurements. The technique used to render the image is Photon Mapping with the following settings:
You will find the same image at the forum post. The rest of the light in the scene is made by the material settings. This scene is a fabulous example of color bleeding, which is one of the characteristics of a GI render engine like YafaRay. Along with the other tutorials and guides about rendeing with YafaRay, this scene is a great resource to learn more about interior rendering with Blender 3D.
good information to the Interior design with Blender 3D an nice visuals migrate completely to YafaRay, thanks a lot.