Posts tagged
Blender 2.50
First preview of the LuxRender exporter for Blender 2.50
The development of Blender 2.50 is going quite well, and after the great presentations showed on the Blender Conference 2009, […]
NPR for architectural visualization with Blender 2.50 and FreeStyle
The integration between Blender 3D and FreeStyle render, which is capable of create great NPR images is one of the […]
Using the Pinning feature of BMesh for architectural modeling
Here is another article about new features of the upcoming Blender 3d 2.50, and this time I will talk about […]
3D Modeling for architecture using N-Gons and B-Mesh
One of the tools for 3d modeling that making people excited about the release of Blender 3D 2.50, even with […]
Improvements for the Ray tracing system in Blender 3D internal render
In the last articles here in the blog, I’m talking a lot about the advantages and uses of external render […]
Tutorials about global illumination with Blender 3D and YafaRay
The most common external renderer to use with Blender 3D is undoubtly YafRay, which is called today as YafaRay. In […]