9 Free architectural projects for FreeCAD

Allan Brito

A great way to start using any software you plan to include in an architectural design workflow is with some […]

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BlenderBIM updates and new features (v0.0.200829)

Allan Brito

As an artist working with architectural projects in Blender, you are probably aware of the incredible and flexible options to […]

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FreeCAD for architectural drawing: Available in PDF

Allan Brito

Ever since we started to publish books related to Blender and architecture, we get requests from our readers to also […]

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Using FreeCAD to create architectural drawings (New book)

Allan Brito

When you start to use open-source tools like Blender to create architectural visualization, you soon begin to look for other […]

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CAD-like transforms: Snap system (updates)

Allan Brito

One of the biggest complaints of artists migrating to Blender from other platforms like SketchUp is the snapping system. We […]

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Free BIM tools: Open IFC Viewer

Allan Brito

A vital component of any architectural project development nowadays is the use of BIM technology to speed up production and […]

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Finding CAD data after importing to Blender

Allan Brito

If you work with Blender to create architectural models, there is a high chance that, at some point, you will […]

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Blender CAD tools: Cutting walls and intersections

Allan Brito

Whenever we have the opportunity to show Blender to a group of architects or artists looking to start using it […]

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