Do we still need Blender 2.49b for architecture?
Just a few weeks ago an article here at Blender 3D Architect mentioned a script that will help artists to […]
Blender quick tip: Extending polygon edges just like AutoCAD
As part of the work of an architectural visualization artist using Blender, we sometimes must create architectural models with the […]
TinyCAD add-on and B-Mesh for architectural modeling
With the release of B-Mesh with Blender 2.63 a lot of old Add-ons needed to be updated in order to […]
Precision modeling tools for Blender?
Back in April all projects selected to be part of the Google Summer of Code 2012 were announced, and the […]
Blender with CAD like features using Add-ons
One of the biggest requests I heard from architectural visualization on Blender is that would love to get more precision […]
Exporting a 3d Mesh as a 2d DXF in Blender 2.5
The most common way to start an architectural visualization project is to get started from a CAD file, and import […]
Import IFC files to Blender with IfcOpenShell
What exactly is an IFC file, and why someone working with architectural visualization would like to import IFC files to […]
Free FBX converter tool
One of the challenges that face an architectural visualization artist is to manage the files received by clients, and those […]