Photopea: Free online alternative to Photoshop

Allan Brito

In every work related to design or visual arts you will have requirements to adjust or change images. It could […]

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Rendering and compositing a Gallery with Blender and YafaRay

Allan Brito

Another great example of architecture made with Blender and YafaRay, now from an artist called Arkinauta. At this thread at […]

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Using SketchUp to create sections for architecture

Allan Brito

Before we get to work with 3d modeling and visualization projects, most architects must get to know how to deal […]

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More free Photoshop with Content-Aware Scale with the GIMP

Allan Brito

If you thought that in my previous article about how to get a free Photoshop CS5 toolset based on GIMP […]


Project Cooper: Blending AutoCAD and SketchUp for architectural 2d drawing

Allan Brito

For architectural projects that must be presented as 2d drawings, the first option would be to use CAD tools like […]

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Trick to minimize the noise in rendered images from Unbiased renderers

Allan Brito

If you have been using an unbiased render engine like LuxRender in the last couple weeks, you may have noticed […]

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