As part of the architectural visualization workflow, you will most likely have to create some landscapes at some point, and all your abilities with polygon modeling techniques may not be enough to get a landscape for your project.
One of the most common techniques to create landscapes for architecture is the adoption of texture based scenarios. The process only requires a good set of textures with at least displacement and normal maps. When you apply such images on a surface, you get a quick and believable landscape.
Do you have a good set of textures for landscape modeling in architecture?
If you want to download a free set of textures for landscape modeling in architecture, go visit “The Mantissa.” They are offering a free download of 10 landscape textures with an incredible resolution! All textures there are available in 8K.
Not only you can get all textures with excellent resolution, but they all came with example files in Blender!
The full pack of textures will require you to download 5GB of material!
And to make the collection even more attractive, all files have a creative commons zero licenses. That means you can use them in your architectural visualization projects with no restrictions, even for commercial projects.