Blender 4.2: Precise Modeling Workshop
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When looking for textures for your library, a great way to save time for future projects, you might skip some surfaces because they don’t seem helpful for architectural designs. One of the textures that are often overlooked is the asphalt texture. Why should an architect collect and save those types of surfaces?

You would be amazed at the locations where we can use asphalt in architectural designs. Here is a brief list of projects and places that might use asphalt:

  • Roadways and streets
  • Driveways and walkways
  • Rooftops
  • Playgrounds
  • Sport courts
  • Urban environments
  • Landscape design
  • Industrial areas

Those are a few examples of places where we can use asphalt textures to a large extent.

Do you want to download a set of 18 free asphalt textures for your library? The guys from ambientCG released a collection with lots of different types of surfaces for asphalt with a great variety of colors and finishes.

All textures from ambientCG are free and available in Creative Commons Zero, which means they are in the public domain.

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