In recent years the use of PBR materials and textures is something common for artists looking for realistic images. A PBR material has physical properties that will mimic the behavior of a surface in the real world.
A PBR material is usually a set of unique maps for the diffuse, specular, ambient occlusion, normals, and more channels.
An artist called Leon Petersohn posted on Gumroad PBR set of textures for pavement tiles, which will work great for external scenes in architecture. Since it is a PBR set of textures, you will find several different maps inside the collection like normal, displacement, AO and more.
The texture is a perfect fit for the brand new Principled BSDF shader in Blender, which has some additional options to work with PBR textures.
As described by the artist ha used a technique called photogrammetry to create the textures. The process will allow you to create textures from photography. For people willing to create their PBR textures, you should take a look at this free ebook that explains the full process.
To download the textures from Gumroad, you have to give a value as a donation to the artist. If you set the contribution as zero, you will get the files for free.