Have you ever started a project and wanted a particular texture that you can't find anywhere? Even with all the free online libraries offering PBR textures to use with Eevee and Cycles it may become a challenge to enter each one of those sites and perform a manual search.
Wouldn't it be great to have a search engine just for free PBR textures? That was precisely what the guys behind StruffelProductions and CC0Textures thought when they released a new side project. The Textures.one search engine for free textures.
The search engine will look for PBR textures and HDR maps on popular online libraries like CC0Textures, cgbookcase, and HDRIHaven. You can search for plain textures, PBR materials or HDR maps.
How many textures they have? The sum of all assets is close to 1.7K and growing every day.
This is a big deal for architectural visualization artists because you can start searching for PBR materials for your projects based on the surface name. Is it better than Google? From an artist perspective, it is way better.
You will have the guarantee that all assets you find are in the public domain and with no restrictions for commercial use.