Another nice example of how YafaRay artists can produce quality architectural visualization with Blender, even without stable releases for the Blender 2.6x series. To use YafaRay with Blender today, you must download a custom build from graphicall.org, which is the easy way to get YafaRay working with Blender.
An artist called stoneage posted at the YafaRay user forums an interior render made with YafaRay and Blender, which has a great set of light and materials. The image is good, but the information about the setup of this scene is what makes the project interesting for other architectural visualization artists using Blender. If you take some time to visit the thread, you will find how the artist placed all light sources, and specially the setup used in the Blender composite nodes to achieve this effect.
Hi Allan.
Nice to see that you still haven’t abandoned Yafaray 😉
A little correction to this sentence: “To use YafaRay with Blender today, you must download a custom build from graphicall.org”. In fact, you’ll need an official stable build of Blender (2.64a at this moment) and a Yafaray plugin which, that’s right, can be found on http://www.graphicall.org/megasoft78. This is an official plugin, so no need in custom Blender builds.