Blender 4.2: Precise Modeling Workshop
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When you have to represent nature in architectural visualization, the use of textures can become the small difference between a natural surface, and something that doesn't resemble a living thing. And to get nature right you probably will need lots of leaf textures. Would you like to download a set of more than 200 textures representing Leafs, with 4096 x 4096 pixels in size? All those textures were created and organized by Wojciech Piwowarczyk, which is the artist responsible for capturing all textures.

Since all those textures have a high resolution with a square ratio, it will work correctly for either architectural visualization, and also game development. And it gets even better when you find out that those textures are not only related to the diffuse channel. All leaf textures also have normal maps, opacity, displacement and much more.


To download them you can go to visit his profile at Gumroad, and choose any of the texture you like. For those that doesn't remember, at this site, you can either download all assets and give a donation to the artist, or choose to get them for free and type zero as the value.

A set of textures like this one is a great addition to any architectural visualization artist because you never know when the scenario of a project may become even more complicated to create rather an architecture itself, all because you don't have the right textures.

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